Why missions?
Missions are Outreach
Soda Steve's Missions and Questions about Missions and Requests to Donate to Missions has gotten so big that we have a whole website devoted to our Missions Outreach.
It's called "Good Eats on a Mission" and you can visit by clicking the "Good Eats on a Mission" logo above.
We are just getting this site fleshed out but you will be able to check on past missions and team members, as well as, keep up on the up coming mission to Vietnam during the trip.
While you are there, be sure to sign up for the newsletters so you can stay on the know about all of our missions and team members.
Soda Steve’s was conceived on a Church Mission to Costa Rica and ever since his first Church Mission he has been hooked.
Here is the place where you can catch up on the Missions that Steve has been on and would like to go on including pics and stories.
Also if you have any questions on Missions in general, or what they are like or how to get involved.
Our Community Involvement
• Make a Wish Foundation - Kevin Citta
• Gore High School FCA Huddle Founder
• Muskogee Civitan Club Speaker
• Muskogee Toast Masters Speaker
• Elementary School Scholastics through our Facts Masters and Rocket Math ½ Cheese Fry Award Program
• Supports High School Athletics through Advertising and Financial Donations
• Gore Youth Leagues T-ball and Football Sponsor and Coach.
• On the committee for fund raising, designing, promoting the New Steve Owens Sports Complex in Gore, OK.
• Church Mission Jar for Donations on the Counter at SS.
• UMVIM, United Methodist Volunteers in Mission
•Supports Gore High School, Gifted and Talented Program with Donations
• Gulf Coast 2006, Hurricane Katrina Relief, Team Leader, Private Home Clean and Remodel
•Camp Gray Squirrel, Lake Tenkiller Camp for Autistic Kids, June 2009
•Attended the 2009 UMCVIM Southeast Asia Consultation, Charlotte, NC
•Chef Mentor for Muskogee ICTC Culinary Prostart Teams for State Competition, 2010
Kindergarden Reader
Upcoming Missions
- India, Girl School Teaching Mission, November 2014, Team Member
- Vietnam, Construction Mission, March 2015, Team Leader
Past Missions
- Quang Tri, Vietnam, March 2012, Team Leader, UMC Construction
- Salhanha, South Africa, February 2011, Team Member, UMC Construction
- Hue, Vietnam, March 2010, Team Leader, UMC Construction
- Ho Chi Minh City (Siagon), Vietnam, February, 2009, Team Member, UMC Construction
- Gulf Port, MS, Katrina Relief 2006, Team Leader, Katrina Construction
- Matina/Zent, Costa Rica 2004, Team Leader, Baptist Church Construction
- San Isidro, Costa Rica 2002, Team Leader, Hospice Construction
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What We've Achieved
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